Tuesday, February 17, 2009

The Most Romantic Date Contest

Dare to be different!

At a recent Valentine's Banquet, I asked 30 couples to share their most romantic date with the audience. There were random dates that included everything from dinner at the Brown Palace in Denver to watching the ships come in on San Francisco Bay.

One lovely couple met in Alaska and remember their most romantic date as a 24 hour lock in in the frozen north, on the longest night of winter with 30 teenagers at a church function. Trust me, there were a lot of raised eyebrows at that revelation!

But, they explained that the pastor had asked them (as single adults) to supervise the youth function and when the power went out unexpectedly, the kids all gathered in blankets near the fire to keep warm. Being older than the teens, it would have been inappropriate for them to snuggle with teenagers (we all know where this is going) so they snuggled together. At the time, they were hardly even good friends, but by morning when the power came back on and the heat rekindled itself, they'd realized they wanted to get to know each other better. Many cold night and many winters later, their fire is still ignited and the lights haven't gone out on their love... It must have been an inspirational night.

Another couple, just old enough to have enjoyed dating during the aftermath of World War II, shared that they were only allowed to date on Friday night. Both worked long hours, cared for younger siblings while their parents worked, and had to pay their own way. Their favorite date memory surrounded a drive in restaurant where they had thick juicy hamburgers, French fries and milkshakes for a dollar before attending whatever moving was showing at the local theater. Later, as newly weds saving for their first home, they reverted to their same special night on the town, because it was an indulgence they could afford and still save money for a down payment. Their favorite date, now? A burger and fries with extra thick milkshakes at the local drive in and a movie... although, they often exchange the movie concept for a short walk in the park or an evening at home reading poetry they've written for each other over the years, because they're not fond of current movies.

After interviewing these couples, we came up with one particular dating package that all the couples thought would inspire romance and create a memory for the receiving couple. That package (which I'm not going to reveal quite yet) will be the winning package for the couple who wins this romantic date contest. To enter this contest, go to Buy an Ad and get your Romantic Personal Ad within 24 hours, to help you locate your Date and be entered for FIVE chances to win this contest.

Or visit Romance FREE for a Free opportunity to win this contest.

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